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Year 5

Year 5 Class Teacher: Miss C Chadwick


Meet the Teacher

Starbooks Cafe - Book Tasting

Year 5 visited their new reading corner cafe, Starbooks! The children explored new genres and authors with a tasty Frappuccino treat!






Remote Learning 4th December 2020

Remote Learning 3rd December 2020



Use the powerpoint and video here to help you work through the worksheets on factors. 



Complete the comprehension first and then write a character description about the witch using your plan from yesterday. 



Research a European country and create a fact file about that country.



Complete the Joe Wicks workout

Remote Learning 2nd December 2020



You don't need to complete all of the worksheets, just complete what you can during the Maths lesson. There is a powerpoint to help you. 



You are planning a character description about the witch. Use what we have learnt about the witches in Macbeth and the picture from the Descriptionary to help you to write phrases for your plan. 


Remote Learning 2nd November 2020

Home Learning - 23.10.20


All of today's home learning is for Wellbeing Day that is taking place in school 

The first activity is the bubbles of gratitude. Draw the circles like the ones on the example, then add shapes and lines to each bubble. Think about things you are thankful for and add these to the bubbles. Colour the bubbles in. 


Break 10.30-10.50


Yoga - complete any of the Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube 


Positives and Negatives. Use your topic book to turn the negative comments into positives and write your own negative comments that you need to turn to positives. 


Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 


Afternoon - Strength tree. Draw a tree like the examples. Add your own leave to it and add the things that are your strengths. Colour it to make it bright and cheerful 

Week Beginning 13th July

We are now in to the final week of term in what has been an extraordinary year for the children and adults in school. I would just like to say a massive thank you for your efforts with the children at home: I recognise that many of you have been trying to juggle your own work and home schooling your children which, from my own experience, is not easy. I hope that those children who have been attending school as key worker children or came to the transition session have enjoyed the small piece of normality they had. In September, providing the situation is the same, we will be returning to full time education and children can resume their education in school. 


This week, I have not included any specific Maths or English work for children to complete. I have included 2 projects that may wish to complete instead which involve a number of skills and allow children to be creative and make their own decisions. The three tasks are:


1. Design your own Zoo involving working out your own costings and managing finances.

2. Designing your own Rollercoaster involving building and constructing a Rollercoaster then testing it out with a marble.


The instructions for each task are included in the documents below-it would be great to see some of your ideas and designs. 


If you would like some more specific maths and English work then please contact me via the 


If children would like to do some art this week, the following videos give step by step instructions about how to draw different objects and figures. There are a lot more than I have included-the links below were completed by children in school this week who really enjoyed it.

Week Beginning 6th July

I hope you are all well and I am looking forward to seeing you next week for your transition session in school. This week's learning is available on There is also some additional maths and comprehensions below if you would prefer to do those instead. Keep up your hard work and use if you need to contact me.  

Week Beginning 29th June

The home learning this week will be from the Oak Learning website ( where there is a schedule of lessons for each day. We have also provided additional maths from the White Rose website which children could work through as an alternative. There are also some comprehensions that children could complete as an alternative. If you need any support or advice, please contact me through the 


If you are struggling to access any of the work on the website, please contact me and I will provide some learning packs.


Thank you again for all your efforts. 


Mr Rigby 

Week Beginning 22nd June


This week the home learning will again be through The Oak Academy website.


There are daily activities across different subjects. All activities are explained through a video and there is also a task and sometimes a before and after quiz. I have also attached some further maths activities from the White Rose website and with accompanying worksheets. Please keep in touch through or class dojo where i have been awarding points for the work that children are sending through. 


Afternoon learning-week beginning 22nd June

This week I would like children to do some learning about the continents and what lies within them. 


Task 1

Children are to use the map below and locate the following countries listed at the bottom of the map. They must also name the continent that each country is located in. 


Task 2

Using this link: Children are to choose one continent and design a fact file/presentation about the wildlife and natural environments for that continent. The videos will have lots of information so they should choose carefully.


Task 3

Children are to locate the New 7 Wonders (list attached) of the World on their map. They are to then fill in the table with the Background information. 


Task 4

Children are to use the Task 4 sheet. They are to choose one continent (Not Antarctica ) and answer the questions on the sheet. If they do this quickly they can choose a different continent. 


Week Beginning 15th June

Hi, I hope you are all well and managing to juggle the children's learning with the demands of life at the moment. I really do enjoy looking at the work that children complete so please keep it coming in via the class email. I have also set up 'Class Dojo' for the children and work can be submitted through that as well. I have emailed most parents with a link to register their child, if you have not had an invitation, please email and i will send you a link.


This week and moving forward, the learning will be set through the Oak Academy website.


The website is set up as a daily sequence of lessons. Everyday, there is a series of lessons in different subjects displayed on the link above and children can click the lesson they want to complete.


After clicking the lesson, there will be a video explanation from a teacher that talks the children through the lesson and the activities they need to complete. The lessons are usually in 4 parts:


1. Introductory Quiz

2. Explanatory Video

3. Worksheet/Task

4. Final Quiz


Any work completed can be sent through to the email address. I would welcome any feedback about the Oak Academy resource as we move forward. I have also attached the White Rose maths activities and link if children prefer to continue with these activities. 


Thank you for your continued support-these are very challenging times for all children (and parents!) but we can only do our best and plans are already being made on how children can be supported further when they return to school. 



Key Stage Two Virtual Sports Day

Week Beginning 8th June


The home learning this week in maths will be in the same form as the previous weeks. There is an explanatory video on  to explain the content of the lesson and a corresponding worksheet is included below. 

Please get in touch via the email address if you need anything.

We are also trialling the use of Oak Academy English Lessons. It is up to you which you access for this week. These lessons are good as they have a teacher video to accompany them. They do not link to the 5 English lessons above and are something different but they are suitable for Y5. This week children are writing a set of instructions. They are sequenced so children will need to complete them in the order below.






Afternoon Learning-Week Beginning 8th June

Welcome Back!

Week Beginning 1st June

Hi everyone. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break. As these uncertain times continue, we will carry on providing home learning activities on the website for those children who are not in school. Hopefully, one day soon, we will see all the children in school but in the meantime we are thankful and appreciate all the efforts of parents and carers to educate their children at home. We fully understand that working with your children while, in many cases, trying to work yourselves is difficult. We are always here to help and can be contacted through the class email address or by phone. So. keep up your efforts! We are really proud of the children and have really enjoyed seeing their work and hearing your comments about their achievements.  


The maths learning this week is from the White Rose website The accompanying worksheets are below with the answers. 

Week Beginning 18th May


Please follow the link for the tutorial videos this week. The corresponding worksheets are listed below and there are 2 challenges attached for Friday should children need them. Please send any work or queries to and I will respond as soon as I can. Keep up the hard work everyone. 

Afternoon Learning-Week Beginning 18th May

The afternoon learning this week will be a project that children can work through gradually. They are tasked with designing a theme park, including the organisation of money and spacing attractions and other features out. They do not need to complete all of it: the idea is that children can be creative and be introduced to planning and organising money in a fun way that they can be in charge of.  Hope you all enjoy!

Maths-week beginning 11th May

The maths learning will again be from the White Rose website. Please use the link - There are explanatory videos on this link that children can use to help them. The accompanying worksheets are below alongside the answers. Please use the to get in touch if you need any help or advice. 

Afternoon Learning-Week Beginning 11th May

This week, I would like children to look at the work of the Austrian artist Hundertwasser. The documents below show works by Hundertwasser-you will see that he did not believe in straight lines and would draw buildings in his own unique way. The children have 5 activities to do this week relating to Hundertwasser.  

The activities are:

  • Research the life and works of Hundertwasser
  • Look at the pictures in the documents and write down or label parts that you like and why. Which parts are effective and which are not.
  • Sit in your garden and draw any building that you can see in the style of Hundertwasser. Remember, he doesn't use straight lines. 
  • When you have done your drawings, experiment on them with different colours. Remember Hundertwasser did not use traditional colours.
  • Choose any building and create a larger final drawing with colour in the style of Hundertwasser. 

Week Beginning 4th May


Please follow the link below to find the maths work for this week. There is an instructional video that children can watch to help them and there is a separate link for answers. I have also attached some further challenges that focus on using multiplication and division. Please get in touch via the email address should you need anything. As Friday is the 75th Anniversary of VE day and a bank holiday there will be no learning set for this day. The children's afternoon learning this week will be activities to celebrate VE day.


The worksheets for the each day are below:

Week beginning Monday 27th April


I hope you all had a good weekend.  Here is the learning for this week for Maths and English. We have also published a timetable at the top of the class page that you may choose to follow in order to structure the children's learning for day. Please remember that I am available on the email if you need any support or would like to share work. This week's maths focuses on adding and subtracting decimals. There are some further challenges focusing around adding and subtracting decimals below. If children are confident with the learning from the website then feel free to move them on to the further challenges. 

Afternoon Learning-Climate Change-Week Beginning 27th April

I would like children to think back to their learning on climate change from earlier in the year. There is a different task for children to work on each day. I have left Friday free in case children need to finish off or have ran out of time. Please encourage children to do their own research and display ideas in creative ways. 


Monday 27th April-Children are to research a well known climate change activist (e.g. Greta Thunberg) and create a factfile about them. 

Tuesday 28th April-Children are to create a piece of art/model about what will happen if we do not act on climate change. They may chose to do a before and after idea OR a picture celebrating some of the natural beauty in the world.

Wednesday 29th April-Children are to write a letter to Boris Johnson explaining some of their ideas that he could use to help reduce climate change.

Thursday 30th April-Children are to design a poster that can be displayed somewhere reminding that about what they can do to slow down or stop climate change. 


Welcome back and we hope you all enjoyed your Easter break. We're glad that you had such lovely weather. Well done to everyone for their efforts before the break and please keep up your efforts. Remember some of the daily activities that children can do include:

  • Joe Wicks fitness workout
  • Times Table rockstars
  • Reading (something they are interested in)

As well as this, children have packs of work that they may wish to work through as well. 


Monday 20th April

Please use the following link to find the maths tasks for this week.

The task this week is for children to add and subtract decimals. Children may wish to make their own counters to help them and/or use a place value chart. 

Closure Activities

Please continue to email our Y5 email with any work or any queries.

During this enforced closure, we still want the children to have access to education as much as is realistically possible. The activities listed below can be completed by children on a daily basis. Teachers will continue to update the website and blog.


Daily reading -20 minutes-children may enjoy downloading audio books to listen to as well. 

Times Table Rockstars - 15 minutes

Daily comprehension activity

Daily Maths 

Daily Writing

Spellings - Key Stage 2 word lists

Topic work- create a presentation about volcanoes, including a case study of a recent eruption. 


Please all sign up to a READTHEORY account. Information on how to do this is below.


Daily P.E sessions with Joe Wicks can be found here at 9am : 

Daily Writing sessions with Jane Considine can be found here at 9:45am: 



Science and Geography-Week Beginning 30th March

Science-This week I would like children to investigate the difference between reversible and irreversible change. Using the internet or practical examples, I would like them to create a poster with a definition of reversible and irreversible change and some real life examples of where they might see them in their own lives. 


Geography- This week in geography I would like children to find out the three states of a volcano. I would then then like them to find out about why a volcano suddenly erupts. If they would like to use an example of a recent eruption then that would be great!!

Here is a useful website:

Week Beginning 30th March

Last week, children completed some home learning from the White Rose Maths Hub website. This week the sessions focus on rounding decimals. We have covered rounding to 10, 100, 1000 but not decimals so this will be good for children to have a go at. The link is:

There is an instructional video and then a worksheet that focuses on the video. I have also attached a document with some other rounding questions that are more challenging.


I have also attached a place value chart that may be helpful. 


Good Luck!

Science Tasks-March 25th

In Science, we are due to look at properties of materials. I have attached a knowledge organiser with some of they key learning on.


Today's task can be for them to investigate dissolving. They could investigate the following:

  • What is dissolving?
  • What substances dissolve and which do not? (practical activity maybe??)
  • What affects the rate that substances dissolve?
  • Can i get a substance back when it has dissolved?


Here are a couple of websites that might help the children:


Feel free to email or post on the blog-i have set a post up for your pictures and comments.



Geography Task-25th March

Children may have done some research about a volcano that erupted in Iceland recently. Today's task is for children to be an estate agent and try and persuade me why i should buy a house near recently erupted volcano.  Children should try and give as many reasons as they can that explain why living next to a recently volcano is a good idea. 


Children can present this in whatever form they like. 


I look forward to your responses. 


Mr Rigby

Week Beginning- Monday 23rd March

This week in maths I am asking that children complete the activities on the website above. For each day, there is an introductory video and then a worksheet that accompanies the video (and answers). Children can work through this a day at a time.


I will also attach an end of week quiz/task that has different questions all focusing on the topic being taught. 


Please continue to send emails to the class address with completed work and/or questions.  



The Puzzles and Problems book is a document full of different puzzles and problems. From time to time I will set children tasks from the booklet. I would like children to have a go at Pages 2 (square it up) and 3 (Joins). Unfortunately the answers are not at the end of the document but please send responses to the class email.

Please sign up to Read Theory (Comprehension)

Thursday 19th March


Today's maths activity is code breaking using the 4 operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The following link provides videos of the different strategies used should children require assistance.

Monday 16th March

Here is an arithmetic paper for children to look at today. The answers are at the end of the document.



Topic Research-Monday 16th/Tuesday 17th March

Over the next 2 days could children please research the island of Heimaey, Iceland and find out about a volcanic eruption that happened there. They can present their findings in any form they like, including posters or a PowerPoint. 

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly

Year 5 Activity Passport

Alan Davies Historian mining talk for our Local History Week
