Please meet our School Governors
St Michael's CE Primary School Governing Body 2023 - 2024
Mrs Debra Wailes (LA Governor) - Chair
Mrs Nicola Westmoreland (Foundation Governor) - Vice Chair
Mr Andy Miller (Parent Governor)
Mrs Hayley Jones (Parent Governor)
Vacancy (Foundation)
Mr Chris Hickey (Foundation)
Mrs Vicky Povey (Foundation)
Mr Mark Stringfellow (Foundation Governor)
Rev Tracy Marshall (Ex-offico Governor)
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan (Headteacher)
Miss Rachael Stretch (Staff Governor)
Governors Terms of Office
Mr Roger Benson - 01.8.92 to 31.7.25 - Appointed by Manchester Diocese
Mrs Nicola Westmorland - 1.1.00 to 30.12.23 - Appointed by Manchester Diocese
Rev Tracy Marshall - 18.12.19 - Appointed by the Church (Ex-Officio)
Mr Andy Miller 3.5.22 to 2.5.26 - Appointed by the parents
Mrs Debra Wailes 22.5.19 to 21.5.23 - Appointed by the Local Authority
Mr Mark Stringfellow 18.12.19 to 17.12.23 - Appointed by Manchester Diocese
Mr Chris Hickey - 4.11.21 to 3.11.25 - Appointed by Manchester Diocese
Mrs Vicky Povey - 4.11.21 to 3.11.25 - Appointed by Manchester Diocese
Mrs Hayley Jones - 11.11.21 to 10.11.25 - Appointed by the parents
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan 31.8.2011 to end of Headship
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
a) Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b) Hold the headteacher to account for the education performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
c) Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governing Body Composition
School Governors - who are they and what do they do?
School governors are all volunteers who share the passionate belief that all children deserve to have access to effective schools.
Being a school governor can be a very rewarding job, they have the opportunity to help in the development of their local school.
A governing body should contain a wide range of people from the community. Each school adopts its own governing body model.
The main responsibility of the governors is to determine the aims and overall conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Specific duties include, setting staffing levels, appointing headteachers, setting and agreeing the school budget, ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered, health and safety matters that arise in school and management of the school premises.
Correspondence to the Governors should be addressed to Mr R Benson Chair of Governors, C/O St Michael's CE Primary School, Leigh Road, Howe Bridge, Atherton, M46 0PA.
There is also a Clerk to the Governors who attends all meetings and she is appointed by the Local Authority, St Michael's CE Primary School, pay a Service Level Agreement to the Local Authority for this service. St Michael's clerk for St Michael's is provided by Wigan Local Authority.
The Deputy Head and the School Business Manager also attend as observers.
St Michael's CE Primary School Instrument of Government came into effect from 1st September 2015. This instrument of Government will be in force, until replaced by a new Instrument of Government, it was agreed at a meeting of St Michael's CE Primary Governors in July 2015.
A copy of this Instrument of Government is held at the school and with Governor Services.
Type of Governor | Number |
Foundation | Six |
Headteacher | One |
Local Authority | One |
Parent | Two |
Staff | One |
Foundation Ex-officio | One |
The total number of governors is 12
Foundation Governors are nominated by the Parochial Parish Council of St Michael's and ratified by Manchester Diocese.
Parent Governors are parents who have a child in the school at the time of their election and are elected by the parents of children at the school.
The Headteacher is a member of the governing body because of the position they hold in school, they will remain a School Governor for as long as they are the Headteacher of St Michael's CE Primary School.
The Staff Governor is a member of staff at the school who is elected by their colleagues.
The Local Authority (LA) Governor is nominated by the Local Authority.
The Full Governing Body meets once a term and in addition hold two sub committees each term, the sub committees are Finance and Premises and Staffing and Curriculum, they report their findings to the full governors.
Ethos Statement
'Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England, and in partnership with the Church at Parish and Diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.'
Chairperson - Mrs Debra Wailes
Vice Chairperson - Mrs. Nicola Westmoreland
Clerk to the Governors - Appointed by Governor Services (Wigan Local Authority)
Foundation Governors
Mrs. Nicola Westmoreland - Safeguarding, SEND, Diversity, PSHE and Citizenship
Mr Mark Stringfellow - Computers
Mr Chris Hickey
Mrs Vicky Povey - Curriculum, Looked after children (LAC)
Mr. Roger Benson - Link, School Development, Target Setting, Maths, Governor Forum Representative, health and safety
LA Representative
Mrs Debra Wailes - Chairperson, PPG
Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
Rev. Tracy Marshall - RE and Collective Worship, Ethos
Elected Parent
Mr Andy Miller
Mrs. Hayley Jones
Elected Staff
Miss Rachael Stretch
Mrs. Fiona Quinlivan
If you would like to contact our chair of governors please send a letter in via the school office and it will be passed onto them.
Register of Personal, Pecuniary or Business Interests
All the governors declare and sign a new Register of Personal, Pecuniary or Business interest every year, this is then updated on a central register and displayed on the school website. This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school. If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest, they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the best interests of the school first. For details of governors with a register of interest please see below.
Governors whose terms have expired over the last 12 months or have resigned over the last twelve months:
Mrs Gemma Bramhall. Term ended 22.4.18 to 25.4.22
Mrs Nicola Tighe. Term ended 18.10.17 - 17.10.21
Mrs Natalie Haynes - 23.1.14 to 17.11.21 Appointed by PPC
Miss Rachael Stretch 01.01.18 to 31.12.22 - Appointed by the staff
Finance and Premises Committee
Mr Mark Stringfellow - Chair of Finance and Premises Committee
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan
Mr Roger Benson
Mr Chris Hickey
Mrs Hayley Jones
Mrs Sarah Fallon (School Business Manager) - Observer and advisor, non voting
Miss Ema McMillan (Deputy Head) - Observer and advisor, non voting
Curriculum and Staffing Committee
Mrs Nicola Westmoreland - Chair of Curriculum Committee
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan
Mr Chris Hickey
Mr Roger Benson
Mrs Debra Wailes
Rev Tracy Marshall
Mrs Hayley Jones
Mrs Vicky Povey
Miss Rachael Stretch
Miss Ema McMillan (Deputy Head) - Observer and advisor, non voting
Admissions Committee
Mrs Nicola Westmoreland
Mr Roger Benson
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan
Rev Tracy Marshall
Performance Management Committee
Mrs Nicola Westmorland
Mr Roger. Benson
Mr Mark Stringfellow
Pupil Discipline and Staffing Appeals Committee
All eligible and available Governors
St Michael's CE Primary School Governing Body Re-Constitution (with effect 1st January 2015)
Parent Governors (2) Mrs Hayley Jones and Mr Andy Miller
Local Authority Governor - Mrs Debra Wailes
Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Quinlivan
Staff Governor - Miss Rachael Stretch
Foundation Governors - Mr Roger Benson, Mrs Nicola Westmorland, Mr Mark Stringfellow, Mr Chris Hickey, Mrs Vicky Povey, Vacancy
Ex-officio Foundation Governor - Rev. Tracy Marshall
Total number of Governors 12
Observers Miss Ema McMillan (Deputy Head) and Mrs Sarah Fallon (School Business Manager) (non voting)
Foundation Governors are appointed as follows:
Foundation Governors are nominated by the Parochial Parish Council of St Michael's and ratified by Manchester Diocese, one appointed by Manchester Diocese.
Governors Pecuniary / Declaration of Interests 2022-23
Name of Governor | Type of Governor | Details of specific roles held on GB | Appointed by | Has signed the register | Details of any conflicting interest Business Personal Governor at another school |
Mr Roger Benson Chair | Foundation | Chair of Full Governing Body and Chair of Finance and Premises Link / Target Setting / Health and Safety / Pupil Premium | Appointed by the Church | Yes | None |
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan | Headteacher | Headteacher | N/A | Yes | Headteacher of St Michael’s Governor at Atherton Community High School |
Mr Andy Miller | Parent |
| Appointed by the Parents | Yes | Child within the school |
Mrs Nicola Westmorland Vice Chair of Governors
| Foundation | SEND / PSHE and Citizenship | Appointed by the Church | Yes | Teacher at another school |
Rev Tracy Marshall | Ex-officio | RE and Collective Worship, Safeguarding / Child Protection | Appointed by the Church | Yes | Team Vicar in Benefice at Atherton Hindsford with Howe Bridge. Governor at St George’s CE Primary (Wings Academy) |
Mrs Debra Wailes | LA | PPG Governor | Appointed by the Local Authority | Yes | Local Councillor |
Mr M Stringfellow | Foundation | Computing Governor | Appointed by the Church | Yes | Wife works at the school |
Mr C Hickey | Foundation |
| Appointed by the Church | Yes | Has grandchildren at the school Owns his own business |
Mrs V Povey | Foundation |
| Appointed by the Church | Yes | Teacher at another school |
Mrs H Jones | Parent |
| Appointed by the parents | Yes | Children within the school |
Mrs Sarah Fallon - | Observer |
Miss Ema McMillan ( Deputy Head) | Observer |
Ethos Statement
'Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England, and in partnership with the Church at Parish and Diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.'
St Michael's C of E Primary School, Howe Bridge 2020-21 Attendance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Governors Attendance 2021-22
Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required
| FGB Business meeting | Pay Committee | Standards & Curriculum Committee meeting | FPS Committee | FGB Autumn | Curriculum Committee | FPS | Budget approval Committee meetin | FGB Spring | Curriculum Committee meeting | Finance Committee meeting | FGB Summer |
Governor | Governor Type | 22 Sep 2020 | 13 Nov 2020 | 16 Nov 2020 | 16 Nov 2020 | 14 Dec 2020 | 01 Feb 2021 | 01 Feb 2021 | 10 Mar 2021 | 15 Mar 2021 | 16 Jun 2021 | 16 Jun 2021 | 05 Jul 2021 |
Mr Roger Benson | Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mrs Gemma Bramhall | Parent governor | NS |
| Y | NS |
| NS |
| Y |
| NS | Y |
Ms Paula Catlow | Other | Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
Mrs Sharon Goodland | Clerk | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Mrs Natalie Haynes | Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Rev Tracy Marshall | Foundation Ex-Officio | N |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
Ms Victoria Povey | Associate Member | N |
| Y |
| N | NS |
| NS | NS |
| NS |
Mrs Fiona Quinlivan | Headteacher | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mr Mike Rigby | Other | Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y |
Rachael Stretch | Staff governor | Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
| N |
Mr Mark Stringfellow | Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed | Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
Mrs Nicola Tighe | Parent governor | Y |
| N | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mrs Debra Wailes | Local Authority Governor | Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
| N | Y |
| Y |
Mrs Nicola Westmoreland | Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed | Y |
| Y | Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y |
| NS |