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PSHE and Citizenship

PSHE Curriculum Leader: Miss N Lees

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school office directly and the office staff will pass your enquiry on to the relevant Curriculum Leader.


At St Michael’s, we value our three school rules; Following instructions with thought and care, Show good manners at all times and Care for everyone and everything. Through PSHE, children explore and develop their skills of sharing, caring, tolerance and respect for others and ourselves. At St Michael’s, we place an emphasis on active learning, using a range of teaching and learning styles including circle time, discussions, role-play, investigation and problem solving activities. Activities are planned according to the levels and needs of the children. We take into account prior learning, knowledge and skills already gained. Children are provided with opportunities to meet and speak to visitors from a range of different agencies, including leaders in Church and other world faith groups, Community Police, Fire Service, local and national/ worldwide charities and fund raising groups. In addition to this, outside agencies are invited to contribute to the delivery of PSHE, including Road Safety, Bike ability, School Nurse and Dental Health Care. Health Education is mainly delivered through the Science curriculum, beginning with the teaching of ourselves in Reception and developing to sex and relationship education (SRE) in Years 5 and 6. Sex and relationship education is delivered in the context of the school’s aims and values. All programmes are delivered in partnership with teachers, parents and the children. The school uses the Jigsaw scheme of work which has a clearly mapped progression of knowledge and skills.



With these aims in mind, a weekly session of PSHE for all years from Reception to Y6 is incorporated into the curriculum timetable. This ensured that PSHE was explicitly taught every week. We now have the resources in each class that if any issues arise, particularly relating to equality and diversity, teachers feel more confident to tackle these issues in the moment rather than shying away from the matter. Picture News encourages pupils to express their ideas and opinions freely relating to current worldwide issues. It inspires and develops pupil voice whilst intruding the children to democracy. Picture News provides the children with an insight into what democracy involves including campaigning of the candidates and the election process. British Values are embedded within Picture News and each week there will be a focus on one of the five British Values; Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. Throughout the year, the children will gain a more in depth understanding of what each one of these values means and represents. Throughout the school year, the importance of PSHE is heightened through focussed PSHE themed weeks including Anti-bullying week, Democracy week, Diversity Week and Well-being week. A range of workshops which enriches and compliments the children’s learning includes the Altru theatre company during Anti-bullying week, SRE Workshops for Y5 / Y6, NSPPC Assembly and workshop and WE global charity Assembly and workshop.


The impact on our children is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferrable skills. With the implementation of the new Jigsaw PSHE programme becoming well established and taught consistently within both key stages, children are becoming more confident and resilient learners. At St Michael’s, teachers have high expectations of all children as they have a clear understanding of the progression required to reach the end goals. Therefore, learning provides challenge whilst also deepening and enriching learning for all. Feedback from staff questionnaires showed that teachers have found Jigsaw a valuable PSHE tool which has clear learning objectives and cross-curricular links. The plans are easy to follow and have a good range of resources. Feedback from pupil discussions shows that children across all year groups are enjoying the Jigsaw sessions. Pupils have expressed that Jigsaw allows them to be ‘creative’, ‘share their own opinions’ and how it is ‘supporting for their well-being.’ The diversity resources for each year group continue to be a valuable resource as they have been used throughout the year or as and when needed to support learning. This was referenced to within the School’s SIAMS report 2019; 

“The positive approach to equality and valuing difference means that everyone in the school community is treated with dignity and respect. The mental health and wellbeing of all members of the school community is a priority.” (SIAMS 2019). 

Floor books have been well used to reflect the learning that has taken place within Jigsaw lessons and Picture News sessions. The PSHE floor books were used in the schools 2019 SIAMS inspection alongside the RE floor books. In fact, within the SIAMS Report, its states that,

 A range of resources, including the Jigsaw programme, are used effectively. They promote personal, social and health education skills and support spiritual development, wellbeing and mental health.”

We hope that as children move on from St Michael’s to High School, that their compassion, resilience and determination to succeed continues to grow with them.  


Progression of Knowledge within PSHE

Progression of skills within PSHE

PSHE Sequence of Teaching

PSHE Remote Learning Offer

PSHE Gallery

Healthy Relationships Workshop 2023

Creating links with Schools - Pen Pals
