You can contact the school during the school office hours of 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday by telephone on 01942 883118, a member of our office staff will help with your enquiry. If you phone outside of these hours then please leave a message and we will contact you when we are back in the office.
Alternatively, you can email the school on our school email address and we will pass your enquiry on to the relevant member of staff.
If you wish to contact the class teacher directly, you can contact them via Class Dojo, Reception Class use Tapestry to communicate with parents. If you do not have log in details for Class Dojo (years 1 to 6) or Tapestry (reception), please let us know and we will ensure you are set up.
Please ensure school always has your up to date contact details, which include home, work and mobile phone numbers and your email address.
St Michael's CE Primary School, Howe Bridge
Leigh Road
M46 0PA
Headteacher: Mrs F Quinlivan
Deputy Head: Miss E McMillan
School Business Manager: Mrs S Fallon
SENDCO: Miss E McMillan
Telephone: 01942 883118
(Please be aware that calls to St Michael's CE Primary School may be recorded)
If you would like any information about St Michael's CE Primary School or have any queries please initially contact, Mrs T Aspinall and Mrs B Harvey-Sugden, from our admin team, additionally if you would like a paper copy of any of the information on here, then please request it and we will be happy to provide you with a paper copy free of charge. Thank you.
Fill this in to ask a question.