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Physical Education

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school office directly and the office staff will pass your enquiry on to the relevant Curriculum Leader.

PE Curriculum Leader: Mr D. Berrisford


Here at St. Michael’s our intention when teaching PE is to develop the enjoyment of physical activity and to help children understand the importance of health and wellbeing. We aim to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, understanding and knowledge of sports and apply this in competitions, which will provide them with lifelong skills.

We aim to ensure that children participate in a number of different sports in order to develop a passion for being active, healthy, resilient and to gain the confidence to try new things.




Our PE curriculum and objectives cover the skills and knowledge that are shown in the National Curriculum as well as providing children with opportunities to challenge themselves. All PE lessons have a purpose and are meaningful and staff aim to make links to other subjects wherever possible (for example, linking our dance topics to the class novel)




We strive for children in KS1 to become competent and confident with the fundamental movement skills (agility, balance, co-ordination) through dance and gymnastics. Basic movements such as running and jumping or throwing and catching are covered through Athletics and Basketball. Children engage in competitive and co-operative activities through House competitions in a variety of different sports.



In KS2, pupils continue to develop their skills in more competitive and challenging situations. They begin to develop their understanding of the rules of different games, such as Rugby, Football, Cricket, Rounders and Netball. We encourage children to communicate and collaborate with each other by working as teams. We want children to understand how they can improve in sports by evaluating their performances. Pupils continue to learn dance and gymnastics and our Year 5 children take part in swimming lessons. Our KS2 children are encouraged to develop their resilience and team building through two residentials that take place in Year 4 and Year 6.



We endeavour to ensure our children reach or exceed their potential based on their baseline assessment. Children’s ability and progress is measured against the expectations set for each year group. The impact of our PE curriculum is that our children are able to carry on leading active, healthy lives once they have left Primary education.



St. Michael’s has been awarded the Platinum Mark from the School Games (2018/19) to recognise the range of physical activity offered to the children, within and beyond curriculum time, plus the high level of participation in competitions.


