5th September 2023- Welcome Back
We are really pleased to be welcoming all the children back to school. Here is the new timetable and Yearly curriculum plan for Year 4. I am really looking forward to teaching the children this year and helping them make progress with their learning whilst hopefully having fun at the same time. If you do have any questions I can be contacted via Dojo.
Best Wishes
Mr Berrisford
School Closure
Here are the Oak National Academy lessons for this week
Monday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/read-example-text-reading-comprehension-b205d1
Tuesday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/read-example-text-reading-comprehension-acfa9d
Wednesday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/read-the-example-and-identify-key-features-9df8ac
Thursday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/spag-focus-226e0b
Friday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-use-key-features-in-order-to-write-own-composition-bc59f2
School Closure 15.6.20 - 19.6.20
Here are the activities from Oak National Academy for this week
Lesson 1 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-choosing-appropriate-measures/
Lesson 2 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-converting-between-mm-and-cm/
Lesson 3 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-converting-between-cm-and-m/
Lesson 4 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-capacity-and-mass/
Lesson 5 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-solving-measures-problems/
Lesson 1 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval/
Lesson 2 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-inference/
Lesson 3 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-identifying-the-features-of-a-text/
Lesson 4 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-spag-focus-inverted-commas/
Lesson 5 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-write-a-news-report/
School Closure 8.6.20 - 12.6.20
Here is the home learning for this week.
This week's lessons are online and have videos to go with them that are led by an actual teacher.
Monday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-4/english/non-chronological-report-reading-comprehension-word-meaning-year-4-wk5-1
Tuesday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-4/english/non-chronological-report-reading-comprehension-structure-year-4-wk5-2
Wednesday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-4/english/non-chronological-report-identifying-the-features-of-a-text-year-4-wk5-3
Thursday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-4/english/non-chronological-report-spag-focus-year-4-wk5-4
Friday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-4/english/non-chronological-report-write-a-non-chronological-report-year-4-wk5-5
School Closure 18.5.20 - 22.5.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!
There will be no home learning set next week as it is half term, but if you need anything at all please email me. I hope you all have a lovely break.
Can you use the following link and any other websites you can find to find out about the Victorians https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcjxhyc/resources/1. Then can you create a poster/powerpoint/booklet to show what you have discovered.
Can you use this link to find out about vertebrates and invertebrates
School Closure 11.5.20 - 15.5.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!
You will need to access this website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ for the answers and videos that show how to solve the answers - Friday's worksheet isn't from White Rose and so the answers will not be there. They are under Summer week 4.
Use this website to learn about light and dark this week. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr8thbk
Use this website to find out how to read and create maps https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkngrj6
School Closure 4.5.20 - 7.5.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything! There is only work for Monday-Thursday due to Friday being a bank holiday for VE day.
You will need to access this website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ for the answers and videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under Summer week 3.
VE Day
Friday is VE day, please find a variety of activities to complete throughout the week. You don't need to do them all! Share what you have done on the school blog :)
We would love it if you could join the nation singing Dame Vera Lynn's 'We'll Meet Again.' If you video it and send it to the Y4 email address, we are going to put the whole school's together as we can't be together right now.
School Closure 27.4.20 - 1.5.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!
You will need to access this website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ for the answers and videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under Summer week 1.
School Closure 20.4.20 - 25.4.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!
You will need to access this website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ for the answers and videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under week 2.
Earth Day
On Wednesday it is Earth Day, please find a variety of activities linked to lots of different subjects attached below.
School Closure 30.03.20 - 3.4.20
Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!
School Closure 23.3.2020 - 27.3.2020
The activities set below are to complete over the next week (23.03.2020 – 27.03.2020)
There are daily English and Maths activities that have been labelled in the order they should be completed.
Maths - please watch the video (link on the first worksheet) this will guide the children to solve the questions and shows the method they need to use.
Please read the following powerpoint on the Water Cycle, children can then draw and label their own diagram of the water cycle
Picture News
The following resources do not all need to be completed and don't all need to be done at once.
School Closure 20.03.2020
Please find below activities for Friday 20th March. The Body Coach will be doing daily PE lessons on his YouTube channel from Monday at 9am.
School Closure 19.3.2020
Please find activities for the 19th March below.
For History over the next few days the children can research the Anglo Saxons (clothing, housing, jobs etc.) a create a presentation (in anyway they wish - powerpoint, poster etc.) to present once we return to school.
School Closure
Here is the timetable for your children to follow over the next two days that school is closed.
A daily Maths task will be sent out via School Ping
Challenges on Times Table Rockstars
Snack Time
A writing activity will be sent out via School Ping
Physical Time which can be a Maths or English activity on BBC
Supermovers (https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-collection/zr4ky9q)
Mindfulness sessions (Cosmic Kids Yoga on youtube)
Reading task (which will be a comprehension sent via School Ping)
Task linked to History/Geography or Science (which will be sent via School Ping)
Share stories with your child.
I will keep in contact with you via School Ping
Where the Wild Things Are 14.11.19
Year 4 arrived at school this morning to find their classroom had been taken over by the Wild Things from the book from 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. They followed footprints, leaves, pine cones and secret messages to uncover who had caused so much mess in the classroom. They are now hunting for the creatures around Atherton and will be creating Wanted Posters to warn the public.
Museum of Science and Industry - 17.10.19
Year 4 had an amazing day at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry. We spent the morning carrying out experiments relating to sound, the human body and forces. In the afternoon, we took part in a workshop called Circuit City which was all about the first scientist to bring electricity to Manchester. The children were so well behaved and a pleasure to take out
Year 4 have been studying electricity in science. Today we went out to look at how electrons move differently in materials that are conductors and materials that are insulators. The green and blue children were the protons and neutrons that attract together. The red children were the electrons that are attracted to protons and neutrons in insulators and can't get away. In conductors some of these electrons can escape meaning electricity can pass through them. We then investigated different materials in our classroom to find out whether they were insulators or conductors.
Wider Opportunities
The children have made a great start to their music lessons this term. They will be learning the xylophone until Christmas. Watch out for our Christmas performance date!
Times Table Rockstar Day
Year 4 rocked it for our TT Rockstars launch. We had some super outfits and hairstyles! The children will compete in battles against other classes and will make it onto the class leaderboard for super progress and effort each week.