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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!!


In Year 1 we believe that if we work together we can do anything we put our minds to! We welcome our learning challenges and always try our best. We learn best when we are happy and having fun.

Please keep a close eye on this page, where you will see all of the exciting and interesting work we are doing in class. If you want to know more then please do not hesitate to ask.


Miss E McMillan (Class Teacher)

Mrs D Roberts (Teaching Assistant)

Miss A Cunliffe (Teaching Assistant)

Year 1 Class Prayer

Interfaith Week - Judaism

Performance week!

Year 1 become Autumn weather presenters.

Remembrance morning tea.

Ethos Week

Science - Smell investigation!

Victorian Workshop

Acting out St Michael's story for St Michael's day.

Harvesting vegetables for the harvest festival

Investigating the bones in our body!

Signing the British Values pledge and our class charter.

Paul Jenkins sharing his poetry

Our science experiment is underway!

Learning about the Easter Story

Our Easter Bonnets!

A Star Consultant Dance!

Year 1 Collective Worship on Trust

Year 1's visit to all of the Continents in one amazing afternoon to see what everyone had been learning about in Continent week!!

We used the computers to research African Animals and then we wrote fact files!

We read Handa's Surprise which is set in Africa and tasted the tropical fruits!!

Using Atlases to explore Africa!

African Animal Yoga for continent week!

Meet Floss! Our Class lion headed rabbit!!

Nativity 2016

Creation Story dance!

St Andrew's Day Scottish Dancing.

Still image for this video

St Andrew's Day - Scottish Dancing

Antibullying Week Drama. We created dramas for Verbal, Physical, Emotional and Cyberbullying.

Autumn 2 topic maps - Treasure Island

Year 1 celebrating the Jewish harvest festival called Sukkot. We built a sukkah and baked challah bread into the symbols of the lulav and etrog!

Year 1's fundraising bunny hop!

Year 1 during the Harvest Festival

Making skeletons!!

Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too. This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a message about staying healthy and fit and having fun counting to 100 together.

Summer 2 timetable

Summer 1 timetable

The result of our own rocket seed experiment. We found that the outdoor plants drowned with all of the rain so maybe that is why the space station asked us to grow them inside!

Westleigh trip - we really enjoyed the street dance! :)

Year 1 voting for school council members - Well done Lyla Browne and Xander Lofthouse!

Stranger Danger assembly from Police

Book Week - book share, book quiz, guess the character and much more! :)

Space Science experiment! Sowing the blue seeds!!

Queen's 90th Birthday - We sent her an email message and we made scones :)


The cocoons are in their new home :)

The caterpillars are changing!!

We have caterpillars to look after and observe :)

Easter Performance

World Book Day - The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Polar adventures continued - research on Polar animals using different sources of information

Our Polar Adventure so far - We have been to the North Pole and conducted scientific experiments to decided what best to wear in the Polar regions. We have also looked at the type of foods to take with us.

The letter year 1 received from the Queen

Art Week - We learnt about the Jewish Harvest Festival (Sukkot). We built our own mini Sukkah's and made challah bread into the shape of a Lulav and Etrog, we then shared them together :)

Victorian day - We soon decided that we didn't like Victorian school!

It is St.Michael's day today and we celebrated by acting out the story of St.Michael :)

Celebrating the Queen becoming the longest reigning Monarch - We have even sent the Queen a card to say Congratulations :)

Science - making skeletons and learning the skeleton song!

More projects! :)

We enjoyed looking at some of our 'Who am I?' projects today - the children were great Scientists and Historians! :) More to come! :)

Baptism - visit from Reverend Reg and baptism of Bella Olivia!

We have been measuring in Maths this week so we put our skills to the test and baked some yummy scones!!

We reminded ourselves of the British Values and we all signed them as our declaration to stick by these values.

Delamere Forest Trip reminder!


We are off to Delamere Forest on Monday 1st June 2015. Please remember to ensure that the children are wearing their own clothes but only items which you don't mind getting muddy! Please bring waterproof clothing and wellies too. I have also asked for the children to be brought to school 10 minutes earlier so that we can get to Delamere as soon as possible.

Year 1 Peace Worship.

I would like to invite you to our worship on Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 2.45pm. Year 1 will be leading the school worship. We will be talking about what peace means to us and we would really like it if you could join us.


We designed, made and evaluated our own puppets! Look at our creations! :)

Easter bonnets and Easter fun! Well Done to Jack Peacock, Orla Simcox and Trinity Hood our winners! :)

Bringing new life in Spring. (Planting seeds for science and R.E.)