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Year 1

Sound mat to support writing.

Creating our own timelines in history!

Creating wonderful art work!

We baked Jewish Challah bread!

Composing our own music!

Class of 2023-24

Finding materials based on their properties

Having a dance in Music- Song "In the Orchestra"

Creating sculptures in Art

Remembrance coffee morning for the Veterans.

Blackpool Zoo 1.11.23 Science- Animals including humans

Performance poetry- The feathery, pink flamingo climbed up the waterfall

Still image for this video

Performance poetry- The spotty and fluffy cheetah climbed up the African tree

Still image for this video

Performance poetry- The slow and sleepy sloth climbed up the wavy tree

Still image for this video
We performed Incey, Wincey spider as a class. We then decided to change the main character and the object that they were climbing. We loved creating our new poems and performing them to our friends.

Maths Learning 19.10.23- Part, part, whole model

Harvest Festival 21.09.23

Science Learning- sorting animals into groups- Septemeber 2023

RE- Symbols of belonging

We went on an adventure to find out what our new book was!

History - ordering photographs in chronological order.

Summer home learning!

World Book Day 2023. We shared our favourite books.

Random Act of Kindness Day! Baking for Hamilton Care Home.

Our trip to Leigh Library!

Antibullying Week 2022. We used took part in the BBC Live lesson and we used the #wearethesameteam Community Integrated Care resources.

14.11.2022 Kindness day

Hosting a Remembrance coffee morning for the Royal British Legion

Meeting local author and illustrator Sean Perkins!


Year 1's recommended reads! We enjoy reading these at story time :)

Pantomime 2021

Year 1 hosted a Remembrance Afternoon Tea to raise money for the Royal British Legion.

Fit Kids! We discussed healthy diets and exercise. We sorted foods into proteins, carbohydrates, dairy, fruit and vegetables. We learnt that the more sugar we have the more exercise we have to do!

Autumn Walk!

Science senses experiment.

Celebrating the Jewish Harvest festival of Sukkot. We baked Challah bread and created our own Sukkah.

Year 1 becoming local historians.

Thank you to Mr Hamer who spoke to us about how to look after our class fish and the school fish! We loved hearing about the tropical fish!

We used the fantastics of notice, smell, taste and touch to explore Handa's fruit!

Timestable Rockstar day! We launched Numbots in style!

Important Internet safety tips!

We went to a baptism! Congratulations Michael Jeramiah!

Year 1's Christmas Party! :)

17th December 2020 Year 1 Newsletter

11th December Newsletter

27th November Newsletter

20th November Newsletter

13th November Year 1 Newsletter

6th November Year 1 Newsletter

23rd October Year 1 Newsletter

16th October Year 1 Newsletter

9th October 2020 Year 1 Newsletter

2nd October Year 1 Newsletter

Investigating the school archives.

Year 1 Newsletter. 25.9.2020

22.9.2020 - Our first Zoom worship with Rev Reg :)

Building a skeleton!

Year 1 Maths Rockstars day!

Home learning. 17.9.2020

Home learning. 16.9.2020

Home learning. 15.9.2020

Home learning. 14.9.2020

Home learning. 11.9.2020

Home learning 10.9.2020

Home learning 9.9.2020

Home learning Science - Creating and labelling a body 8.9.2020

Timetable and resources 29 June 2020

Don't forget to compete in our virtual Sports Day. Please send in your results by Friday 19th June for them to be counted. 

Week beginning 8th June

See timetable below


This week's English lessons can be found at  You will be writing instructions. 


Maths learning is White Rose Maths as usual but if you finish this, you will find some challenge cards below. 


Ethan M's Book Review - Mr Cosmo the Conjurer

Vinnie has designed and built a submarine that can also fly and travel on ice.

Riley's Book Review

Common exception words are words that do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules. Practice reading and spelling these words.

Marley's Prayer for Key Workers

Access BBC Home Learning 


From 20th April at 9.30 am BBC Bitesize will be broadcasting home learning with daily lessons, clips and podcasts.

Lego Challenge

Phonics support for Parents and Carers


The SoundsWrite phonics program that we follow in school have updated their website. They outline how they are going to support parents and carers. They are videos and resources on their website.

Twinkl is supporting parents by offering free resources. If you go to and type in the code; UKTWINKLHELPS

Closure timetable. Friday 20th March 2020

Please find a timetable of activities for your child to complete whilst school is closed. Thank you all for your patience during this difficult time. We appreciate that you may not be able to complete all of the challenges daily. The most important part of the home learning is their reading and listening to stories. Please send any home learning to the Year 1 email;


Please read your child's book every day and enjoy a story book with your child every day. I understand that the children have had the same book for a while therefore, we have been advised that the Oxford Reading Tree website is allowing parents to join for free and access free online books. The link is below. This would be good to look at as we know that your child hasn't been able to change their reading books this week. There is a wide range of books available.


Daily maths challenge.



Phonics/English challenge  - Can the children solve the pirate mystery? They need to solve the phonics puzzles to find who has the treasure. They can write about who the culprit is!

(see attached pdf)



Daily physical challenge – Daily move challenge 2 with Joe Wicks



Daily mindfulness activity - you tube - 'cosmic kids' Mini the puppy –



Daily topic challenge – Can you create something lovely for one of the female adults in your life? Your Mum, Nan, Auntie, Sister etc. Here are some ideas below. Can you do something special for them like help them to clean or wash up etc?



Other activities - play games with your child, encourage turn taking. Play 'I spy' encouraging your child to use the sounds. (please see video below for sounds).

Closure timetable. Thursday 19th March 2020

Please find a timetable of activities for your child to complete whilst school is closed. Thank you all for your patience during this difficult time. We appreciate that you may not be able to complete all of the challenges daily. The most important part of the home learning is their reading and listening to stories. Please send any home learning to the Year 1 email;


Please read your child's book every day and enjoy a story book with your child every day. I understand that the children have had the same book for a while therefore, we have been advised that the Oxford Reading Tree website is allowing parents to join for free and access free online books. The link is below. This would be good to look at as we know that your child hasn't been able to change their reading books this week. There is a wide range of books available.


Phonics play have released a code for parents to be able to access resources;
Username: march20
Password: home


Daily maths challenge.


Daily phonics challenge  - Please see attached sheet.



phonics play (free games - phase 3, 4,5 buried treasure, dragons den) - children to read the words and sort them into the groups. The children can write sentences with the real words and these can be recorded on paper -



Writing challenge - Can the children write about the image below. Please remind them to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The most interesting sentences will receive house points!


Daily physical challenge – Daily move with Joe Wicks


Daily mindfulness activity - you tube - 'cosmic kids' Pirate mindfulness -


Daily topic challenge - Daily topic challenge – can you make a rain gauge? See instructions below.


Other activities - play games with your child, encourage turn taking. Play 'I spy' encouraging your child to use the sounds. (please see video below for sounds).

Closure timetable. Wednesday 18th March 2020

Please find a timetable of activities for your child to complete whilst school is closed. Thank you all for your patience during this difficult time. We appreciate that you may not be able to complete all of the challenges daily. The most important part of the home learning is their reading and listening to stories. Please send any home learning to the Year 1 email;


Please read your child's book every day and enjoy a story book with your child every day.


Daily maths challenge. I have attached a snakes and ladders addition game if you would like to play it


the children can spend time on 'hit the button'. The number bonds section is really good for practising their number bonds.


Daily phonics challenge - phonics play (free games - phase 3, 4,5 buried treasure, dragons den) - children to read the words and sort them into the groups. The children can write sentences with the real words and these can be recorded on paper -


Writing challenge - Can the children write about the image below. Please remind them to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The most interesting sentences will receive house points!

Daily physical challenge -


Daily mindfulness activity - you tube - 'cosmic kids' -


Daily topic challenge - Daily topic challenge - please see weather challenges below.


Other activities - play games with your child, encourage turn taking. Play 'I spy' encouraging your child to use the sounds. (please see video below for sounds).

Closure timetable. Tuesday 17th March 2020.

Please find a timetable of activities for your child to complete whilst school is closed.


Please read your child's book every day and enjoy a story book with your child every day.


Daily maths challenge. The children can spend time on 'hit the button'. The number bonds section is really good for practising their number bonds.


Daily phonics challenge - phonics play (free games - phase 3, 4,5 buried treasure, dragons den) - children to read the words and sort them into the groups. The children can write sentences with the real words and these can be recorded on paper -


Writing challenge - Can the children write about the image below. Please remind them to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The most interesting sentences will receive house points!



Daily physical challenge - or they can try Irish dancing!


Daily mindfulness activity - you tube - 'cosmic kids' -


Daily topic challenge - Daily topic challenge - I would like the children to learn about St Patrick's day.
They can draw and write about their favourite part that they have learnt about, ready to share with the class tomorrow.


Other activities - play games with your child, encourage turn taking. Play 'I spy' encouraging your child to use the sounds. (please see video below for sounds).


Closure timetable. Monday 16th March 2020.

Please find a timetable of activities for your child to complete whilst school is closed.


Please read your child's book every day and enjoy a story book with your child every day.


Daily maths challenge. The children can spend time on 'hit the button'. The number bonds section is really good for practising their number bonds.


Daily phonics challenge - phonics play (free games - phase 3, 4,5 buried treasure, dragons den) - children to read the words and sort them into the groups. The children can write sentences with the real words and these can be recorded on paper -


Daily physical challenge -


Daily mindfulness activity - you tube - 'cosmic kids' -


Daily topic challenge - In Geography, we have been learning about the United Kingdom. Therefore can the children research famous landmarks and traditions in the 4 different countries.


Other activities - play games with your child, encourage turn taking. Play 'I spy' encouraging your child to use the sounds. (please see video below for sounds).



Phonics video

Still image for this video

Welcome to Year 1! 


Please keep a close eye on this page, where you will find important information relating to the curriculum and also be able to keep up to date with all of the exciting and interesting work we're doing in class. Take a look at our curriculum map to see what we are getting up to in Year 1 this year. 


World Book Day 2020

We spent the afternoon of world book day with Year 4 who read our favourite books to us and listened to us read. We had a great time and looked super in our costumes! 
