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Year 2

Easter Bonnets!

On Tuesday, Year 2 had a fantastic time visiting Atherton Park to find out what plants and animals lived in this habitat. We found and identified lots of different types of plants, such as Silver Birch and Hazel trees, as well as Primroses, Snowdrops and Bluebells. We also found lots of animals, such as pigeons, blackbirds and magpies as well as a squirrel. There were also plenty of critters hiding away under rocks, such as woodlice, worms, slugs and snails. We thought about what food chains we might see in a park habitat as well.

Glider Challenge Day - Year 2 have had a fantastic time designing and creating their own gliders today. We then redesigned and improved our gliders to see if they would fly further.

Church Cleanup and visit to the Cenotaph - November 6th 2018

Year 2 visited church this morning to help sweep up and collect the leaves. We cleared all of the paths leading up to the church doors and tried to clear some of the gardens as well. It was really tricky, as the wind kept blowing more leaves down for us to sweep!

We really enjoyed helping our parish community and our church.


After visiting church, we also walked up to visit the Cenotaph. We learnt about what it stands for and we heard a poem called "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae. We prayed for all of those brave people who have lost their lives protecting our freedom.

Year 2 Gilmoss Trip September 2018

Year Two had a wonderful time at the Gillmoss Material Recovery Facility.

We learned all about how to reduce our waste, by re-using, repairing and, of course, recycling!

Our guide Kirsty showed us all how to recycle properly and what happens to our waste after it goes into our blue, brown and green bins. It was really interesting and we all learnt a lot about materials and their properties.

We even recycled our waste after our dinner... can you believe how much rubbish 30 children and 5 adults can produce in one meal? 

Year 2's Trip to Gilmoss Material Recovery Facility

Year Two had a wonderful time at the Gillmoss Material Recovery Facility.

We learned all about how to reduce our waste, by re-using, repairing and, of course, recycling!

Our lovely guide Kirsty showed us all how to recycle properly and what happens to our waste after it goes into our blue, brown and green bins. It was really interesting and we all learnt a lot about materials and their properties.

We even recycled our waste after our dinner... can you believe how much rubbish 31 children and 6 adults can produce in one meal? 

Welcome to Year 2 - 2016 & 17

Learning in Year 2

The Year 2 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Year 1. The children will have a more formal learning environment in Year 2 but they will continue to learn through exciting topics so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. Phonics will be taught every morning for 20 minutes to help with reading, writing and spelling.  We do ask, politely, that you read with your child at least 4 times per week if possible.  It truly makes a difference to their access to the wider curriculum and reinforces these important skills for life. The children are expected to become more independent readers and writers as the year advances.


We look forward to working with you and if you have any questions or queries about your child’s progress, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Mrs Scoles


Information about the Key Stage 1 SAT's which take place in Year 2 during May.

Still image for this video

2017 Key Stage 1 tests.mp4

Still image for this video

Curriculum Map 2016/17

Year 2 Class Timetable - 6.3.17

​The children took part in a Technology lesson at Westleigh High School on Monday, 21st November, 2016.  They enjoyed making a moving vehicle and once again their behaviour was exemplary.  Well done Year 2.
​​Autumn Walk​ -the children had fun with magnifying glasses looking at the leaves collected on their Autumn walk.


​The children have been investigating a range  of materials from baking cakes in order to observe changes that can't be reversed to making structures from spaghetti and marshmallows that would hold coins.  All activities encouraged the children to work collaboratively and solve problems to achieve the end product.  Well done Year 2.

​Year 2 trip to Gilmoss Recycling Centre in Knowsley

​The children, staff and volunteers had a most interesting trip to Gilmoss Recycling Centre in Knowsley where we able to watch the recycling process in action.  The children took part in a range of recycling activities which included recycling the packaging from their own lunches.  The staff at Gilmoss praised the behaviour and good manners of our children and we all felt so proud of them.  Well done Year 2 and a huge thank you to our volunteers.

During our Topic lessons the children reflected on the events of The Battle of the Somme.  They looked at copies of newspapers from that period and letters sent home by soldiers to their families.  The children made us very proud with the thoughtful reflections they made about how the families felt receiving those letters.  Other children studied the poem 'In Flander's Fields' by John McCrae and again made thoughtful reflections on the symbolism of the poppy in terms of remembrance.  Once again, our children made us so proud.
As part of the Science topic of becoming a 'Master Chef', Year 2 wore their chef's  hats and worked together to create a three course meal.  One group of children prepared the carrots and dips for the starters.  Another group made healthy vegetable pizzas and the third group created chocolate rice crispie cakes.  We then had a wonderful time in our pretend restaurant and ate the food.  Well done Year 2.

Leigh Games Fencing team

Year 2 had a fabulous day at Delamere Forest on Monday, 13th June, 2016.  The rain may have poured in Atherton but the forest was much drier and the children had fun using their senses to describe leaves, plants and trees seen in the forest.  They then took part in an orienteering course around the forest where they searched and found the Gruffalo.  Year 2 were exceptionally well behaved and a credit to themselves and our school  Well done Year 2 - we are so proud of you!

Year 2 using their senses in Delamere Forest

The children used orienteering skills to navigate themselves through the forest.  They worked in partners,used a map to find the correct path and answered questions in a bid to find the Gruffalo.

Easter performance

The children were set the task of creating Material Monsters made from recycled materials and they certainly rose to the challenge.  We were amazed at the fantastic, scary monsters which were created!  smiley

Material Monsters

Visit from the school nurse

The school nurse came to speak to us about washing our hands.  We watched a film clip together and then practised carefully.  We have been learning about the importance of keeping ourselves healthy.
