The National target for a child's attendance is 96.1 %. However at St Michael's, our school attendance target is 98%, this is set at this level as we strongly believe that school attendance is vital to the children for them to achieve their full potential both academically and socially.
Attendance is constantly reviewed and rewarded with:
Termly prize draw
Class fun activities
Extra playtimes
Annual prize draw
Children that cause concern with their attendance level, will be monitored and reviewed regularly and their parents may be invited into school to discuss any issues.
School will always endeavour to support the parents and children so that regular attendance is maintained or achieved, this can take place by drawing on other professional services if needed or simply school supporting the parents.
We follow advice given to schools by Wigan's Multi-agency Safeguarding Team, further information about them can be found on Wigan's website on the following link
Within their guidelines school will may issue Education Penalty Notice Warnings for Non-School attendance.
Further details on this can be viewed here: