Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Pupil premium spending is constantly reviewed
What is the Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is a sum of money that comes into the school’s budget; this sum is in addition to the normal school budget and is calculated on the number of children who are classed as PPG children. This includes children that are registered and entitled to Free School Meals, (not UIFSM) and or are Looked After children or previously Looked After by the Local Authority. This money is to be spent on the children who are classed as PPG children and is spent in several ways depending on their individual needs. We have a very small number of children in receipt of free school meals in the school and this number is well below other schools nationally.
Our estimated amount of Pupil Premium for 2022-23 is £37,300
The purpose of the pupil premium is to address inequalities and to ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged as a result of their economic position.
Schools can decide how to spend the pupil premium based on the needs of the pupils in their care.