All visitors are asked to agree to our Safeguarding Guidelines as they sign into the school and given the following information:-
Safeguarding information for all visitors in St Michael’s
St Michael’s welcomes visitors to our school but we ask you adhere to the following:
- All visitors must report to the school office and sign in and out on the school’s InVentry system for every visit, visitors without appointment will not be allowed on the premises.
- All visitors must wear their visitors badge in school at all times.
- All visitors should show identification to the office staff and their DBS certificate or DBS number, if requested. If no DBS is provided, visitors will be supervised by a member of staff at all times.
- All visitors must ensure that anything they may hear in and around school is confidential information and must not be shared outside school.
- All visitors must not use their mobile phone in school or take photographs / videos without the Headteachers’ permission. Any photographs that are taken with permission, must not have children on them.
- All visitors must ensure that they do not put anything about school on any of their social media sites.
- All visitors must show courtesy to others at all times and follow the school’s Code of Conduct. Which is documented in the school’s Adult Behaviour / Code of Conduct Policy (A copy is available on request)
- All visitors must use appropriate language at all times and in no way use racist / homophobic language.
- Visitors must ensure that if a child discloses any Safeguarding concern to them that they report it to the Safeguarding Lead or Deputy immediately.
- All members of the school community are responsible for safety. If you are concerned about any health and safety issues, please report it immediately to the School Business Manager or if not available any other member of staff.
- There will be a weekly fire alarm test on a Wednesday at 4pm. There is no need to evacuate the building, unless the fire alarm is sounded for a second time on this day at this time.
- All visitors must ensure that they sign out.
- When signing in and agreeing to these terms and conditions, all visitors are agreeing to us holding the information they have supplied on the InVentry system.
Safeguarding lead: Mrs F Quinlivan (Headteacher).
Deputy Safeguarding leads: Mr M Rigby (Deputy Head) and Mrs T Taylor (Learning Mentor)
Further information can be found in Handbooks or the following policies:
Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Safer Working Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy, Use of Social Media Policy, Prevent Policy