Home Page

Year 3

The Magic Faraway Tree!

Year 3 Pen Pal letters - linking schools

Year 3 Fundraising Cake Sale

World Mental Health Day

The Barnabus Project - Year 3 Talk for Writing

Still image for this video

TTRS Day - Rock on Year 3!


Week beginning 13th July 2020


Hi everyone, please see below for the final week of home learning tasks! You did it!


Once again, I would just like to say a huge thank you for all of your continued support throughout this difficult time. Year 3, I am so proud of your resilience during all of these unexpected changes.


On Monday 13th July, you come back to school for an hour to meet your Y4 teacher Mr Rigby. I know he is excited to get to know all of you! I will make sure I come and say a socially distanced hello to you all!    

Please see this week’s newsletter (10.7.20) for important updates regarding PE kits, reports and book bags.


Thank you for your remarkable support throughout these past few months and have the most amazing Summer! You definitely deserve it! 


See you on Monday!

Miss Lees.

Oak National Academy Year 3 Schedule - Week 12

Week beginning 6th July 2020

Hi everyone, please see below for this week’s home learning tasks. 


Everyone now should have received a School Ping with their time and date for your child's transition hour in school. If you have not received this, please contact school or send myself an email via and I will be more than happy to help. 


Please remember that your child does not need to complete all activities provided and that the children can access online learning including TTRS and read theory. You will find the links in the children section under home learning

I hope this reassures everyone and if you need any additional resources or support please do not hesitate to send me an email.


Thank you for your amazing support throughout these past few months and it will not be long now until Summer holidays! You've got this! laugh


Have a great week!

Miss Lees.

Oak National Academy Year 3 Schedule - Week 11

Week beginning 29th June 2020

Hi everyone, please see below for this week’s home learning tasks. 


As I mentioned at the beginning of last week via School Ping, if your child would prefer to complete some of the additional activities rather than the Oak National Academy online learning, this is absolutely fine! This includes the white rose maths, maths skills practise sheets, speed reads, spelling crosswords and SPAG skill mats.


Please remember the children have access to online resources such as TTRS and read theory. Also, on our school website, you will find a wide range of website links that the children can access. You will find the links in the children section under home learning


I hope this reassures everyone and if you need any additional resources or support please do not hesitate to send me a email and I will be more than happy to help. Have a great week!


Oak National Academy Year 3 Schedule - Week 10

Week beginning 22nd June 2020

Hi everyone, can I just say how proud I am of each and every one of you for continuing to make such a great effort with your home learning. It can be tricky to learn from home as there are many distractions but you are all doing such a great job! 


Thank you for your continued support to your child's learning at home. Please see below for this week’s home learning tasks.


This week we will continue to use the Oak National Academy for online learning. (  You will also find additional comprehensions and White Rose Maths resources for additional challenge if you wish to use them. The children also have access to TTRS and read theory online. 


Please remember, if you need anything at all, you can contact me on the class email I hope you all have a lovely week!

A reflection of my year (Please complete and return if not already done so already)

White Rose Maths - Additional Challenge Activities

Week beginning 22nd June


Click on link to view video clips -

Year 3/4 Spelling crosswords

Week beginning 15th June 2020

Hi everyone, please ensure that you have responded to the school ping sent out regarding your preference of contact.


Thank you for your continued support to your child's learning at home. Please see below for this week’s home learning tasks.


As of this week, we will be moving to the Oak National Academy for online learning. ( This is a government approved website that includes face to face, interactive teaching videos and has sequenced the learning for children in English, Maths and topic areas. When on the website, children can click on their ‘schedule’ which shows them their lessons for that day.


Please note: Each lesson has an introductory quiz to complete – click next – watch the video – click next – worksheet/ Independent task (work through the slides ) – click next – final quiz.


There are also opportunities for assemblies and worships where the children can hear from guest speakers. We will also provide additional comprehensions and White Rose Maths resources for additional challenge if you wish to use them.


Please remember, if you need anything at all, you can contact me on the class email I hope you all have a lovely week!

St Michael's Virtual Sports Day

White Rose Maths - Additional Challenge Activities

Week beginning 15th June


Click on link to view video clips -

Arithmetic Tests 

Maths in Year 3 has more of a times tables focus. Quick recall of the required 3, 4, 8, and 50 times-tables (as well as the 2, 5, and 10 times-tables they’ve already learned in Year 1 and 2) is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year.


Use the link to practise your times tables each day. 

Reading Comprehension - Option 2

Week beginning 8th June 2020

Thank you for you continued support to your child's learning at home. Please see below for this week’s home learning tasks. It was so lovely to speak to many of the children last week after the half term break. Please remember if you need anything at all, you can contact me on the class email I hope you all have a lovely week!

The Ickabog by J.K Rowling

Thank you to Phoebe for wanting to share this with all of her friends!


J.K. Rowling is publishing an original story, The Ickabog (the “Story”), online in instalments over seven weeks, and is inviting children to help her by illustrating the Story. A new instalment of the Story and illustration themes to go with it will be revealed daily, Monday to Friday, throughout the course of the seven weeks, so do stay tuned. 34 winning illustrations will be selected to bring the serialised story to the printed page when it is published in full, which is intended for November 2020. Entries are open, and the competition will close at 6pm BST on Friday 17th July 2020.


The competition

See the link below to enter the competition.


The story

 You can read the Ickabog online via the link below.

The maths learning this week is from the White Rose website 

The accompanying worksheets are below with the answers. 



Arithmetic Tests

Each Arithmetic test has 20 questions. I would suggest completing 10 questions per day (15 minutes) but if you would prefer to do more that is fine. 


This week’s English lessons can be found at

The lessons are delivered online and have videos to accompany them, which are led by a teacher.

This week, Year 3 will be writing a letter.


Monday 8th June -  


Tuesday 9th June -  


Wednesday 10th June -


Thursday 11th June -


Friday 12th June -

Week beginning 1st June 2020

Welcome back!

Hi everyone. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break. As these uncertain times continue, we will carry on providing home learning activities on the website for those children who are not in school. Hopefully, one day soon, we will see all the children in school but in the meantime we are thankful and appreciate all the efforts of parents and carers to educate their children at home. We fully understand that working with your children while, in many cases, trying to work yourselves is difficult. We are always here to help and can be contacted through the class email address or by phone. So, keep up your efforts! We are extremely proud of the children and have really enjoyed seeing their work and hearing your comments about their achievements.  

The maths learning this week is from the White Rose website 

The accompanying worksheets are below with the answers. 

Arithmetic Tests

Each Arithmetic test has 20 questions. I would suggest completing 10 questions per day (15 minutes) but if you would prefer to do more that is fine. 

Afternoon learning - w.b. 1.6.20

The British Coastline

This week's afternoon learning links closely with our English. Children are encouraged to use their afternoon topic time to research their chosen British coastline (see Thursday/ Friday English lesson) and if they wish to complete some of the activities below. 

Home Learning 18.5.20 – 22.5.20

Thank you for you continued support to your child's learning at home. Here are activities for you to complete this week. If you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything! There will be no home learning set next week as it is half term, but if you need anything at all please contact me on the class email I hope you all have a lovely half term and a well deserved break! 

Please encourage your child to complete the reflection of my year throughout the week. 

If you can send the completed document back to 

Thank you!


You will need to access this website

for the videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under Summer Term Week 5 (w/c 18th May). 

Arithmetic and Maths Revision 

This week, there is a choice of completing arithmetic tests or having a go at the Year 3 maths revision. 


With the Arithmetic tests, I would suggest completing one test over two days as they are longer than the half tests previously completed. 


If your child would rather complete the Year 3 maths revision booklet, I would suggest 2 pages per day. 


Afternoon Learning w.b. 18.5.20


This week's afternoon learning (topic/ project work) is linked to this week's English research task (Thursday lesson). 


Research a topic which is interesting to you, e.g. space, sports, a particular country, an animal, topic from the news etc.


Once you have chosen your topic, begin your research. Your research may include the following:


Decide on a few key questions which you would like to find out about.
A mind map of your chosen topic.


You may also enjoy creating a piece of artwork linked to the topic of your choice. 


Finally, write a paragraph on our school blog about your research topic. You may wish to include photographs of your research to share with your friends. 


Have fun with your project and let’s see how many different topics we can come up with as a class!

Home Learning 11.5.20 – 15.5.20

Thank you for you continued support to your child's learning at home. Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!

If you have any VE day photographs or work you would like to share with us, please send it to our class email 


You will need to access this website

for the videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under Summer Term Week 4 (w/c 11th May). 

Afternoon Learning - Music

Mrs Garry has kindly set a music assignment for Year 3 to complete in the afternoons.  

It is Blackbird by the Beatles.

All children should already have their own password to log on but if they have forgotten or lost the password, please email and I will make sure it gets to you.

To access the music task, use the link to the YUMU site below.

Afternoon Learning - Art 

Research the artist Henri Matisse. You can use the resources attached to support you. 

  •  What are Henri Matisse's most famous pieces of art?
  •  What is your favourite piece of art work by Henri Matisse?
  •  Can you create your own piece of Henri Matisse art?


Be creative and enjoy! 

Home Learning 4.5.20 - 7.5.20 VE Day 2020

Thank you for you continued support to your child's learning at home. Here are activities for you to complete this week, if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything!


This week, there is only work for Monday-Thursday due to Friday being a bank holiday for VE day. Below there are ideas for how you and your family can have a socially distanced VE day celebration. Please share your VE day celebrations and learning on our Year 3 class blog. 


Our English task for this week will be focussed on writing letters to Sheltered/ Care home Residents which Enzo's mum will kindly deliver across the borough. The topic of the letters will link to our VE day learning for the week. 


I can't wait to see your fantastic learning and VE day celebrations! 


Have fun with your learning, 


Miss Lees. 

VE Day 8th May 2020


Maths 4.5.20 - 7.5.20


You will need to access this website for the videos that show how to solve the answers. They are under Summer week 3.

VE Day Activities - Afternoon Learning

On Friday 8th May we will be celebrating VE day. Please find a variety of activities to complete throughout the week. You don't need to complete them all, just choose what you would like to complete. Please share what you have done on the school blog.


We would love it if you could join the nation singing Dame Vera Lynn's 'We'll Meet Again.' If you video it and send it to the Y3 email address, we are going to put the whole school's together as we can't be together right now. 


Week beginning Monday 27th April


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Here is the learning for this week for Maths, English and Afternoon topic learning. We have also published a timetable at the top of the class page that you may choose to follow in order to structure the children's learning for day. Please remember if you have your work pack at home and would prefer to do that, that is absolutely fine. You don't need to do everything! If you need any support I am available to contact throughout the day at for questions and sharing of learning. 

Maths - week beginning 27th April

Click on the link to access the home learning section. There are 5 lessons to be completed throughout the week. Every lesson comes with a short video to support your child to complete the activity successfully. .



Topic work - The Rainforest WB 27.4.20



You will need to access this website for the  videos that show how to solve the answers. 

They are under Summer Term Week 2 (w/c 27th April). 


The answers for each activity are below. 

Easter Holiday! 3.4.2020 - 20.4.2020

The Easter holidays have arrived laugh

I hope that you all have a fabulous Easter holiday! Enjoy the two weeks with your family.  

Miss Lees and Mrs Pomfret x

Monday 30th March 2020 – Friday 3rd April 2020

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well J

Can I just say a massive thank you for sharing some of the amazing learning that has been taking place at home! Mum’s, Dad’s and family members, I would like to say a massive thank you for supporting your children’s education especially during this uncertain time.

Moving forward, can we continue with the following…

  • Class Email - Any work or tasks completed can you let me know via class email . You may wish to send images of the work or just a brief comment of what tasks your child has completed that day. Once I have read and replied to the emails, I will send Dojo’s to your child for completing the tasks.
  • Year 3 Class Blog – Thank you for the great response we have had to our class blog. It has been amazing to see and hear the amazing things you have been up to each day. Please encourage your child to add to the blog as often as possible. You are also able to comment on your friends photographs or posts by clicking on the heading of their post and scrolling down to add comment. Let’s keep in touch as much as possible J
  • Class Dojo’s – Children will be rewarded with Class Dojo’s when work or tasks have been completed and an email has been sent via the class email .


Physical Education

Daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks

Enjoy time outdoors safely whether this is in your garden or going for a walk with your family.



Keep a diary, handwritten or on the class blog of what you have been up to each day. Remember to use correct punctuation and spelling. Ask a grown up to check it before you post your diary entry. Grown ups…encourage your child to proof read their own writing and if they have made errors try not to give them the corrections but encourage them to think about why this isn’t quite right, encouraging them to edit their own work. If your child makes spelling errors, encourage them to write these correctly several times. See if they then can apply the spelling by giving them a sentence to write using the spelling. I am looking forward to hearing from you all J



Sounds Write activities – Choose one activity each day to complete   

or... (Free access) sign into phonics play and choose phase 6 games to revise

Username: march20
Password: home



Click on the link to access the home learning section. There are 5 lessons to be completed throughout the week. Every lesson comes with a short video to support your child to complete the activity successfully. .



Share stories with your family members. Perhaps children can recommend some good stories on our class blog for their friends to read too!


Story time with David Walliams @ 11am  

Or… (I will attach sign up details again below in case you missed it)


Art / Design and Technology

Create an Easter card for your family with a moving mechanism.

See attached Levers and Linkages resources to support. There are also many YouTube tutorials online and websites on how to create a moving card.


Additional online resources

Daily writing sessions with Jane Considine @ 9.45


Most importantly…

Please do not forget to practise activities daily which promote mindfulness, physical activities and relaxation.

These may include painting, drawing, colouring, going outdoors, going for a walk, gardening, baking, Lego, dancing etc.

Adults, do not forget about your own mindfulness too during this unpredictable time. Be kind to yourselves.

Please feel free to contact myself using the year 3 email, if you need any support or guidance.

Take care everyone,

Miss Lees J


Year 3...let's get blogging! 


Year 3, your task is to write a short blog to share with your friends what you have been up to since we last saw each other. 

If you can add a photograph too this would be amazing! 

Let's see if we can all achieve this by the end of the week! 

I want to hear from you Year 3...let's get blogging! 

Missing you all so very much so keep in touch! 

Miss Lees and Mrs Pomfret 


To access the blog, go onto children section on the website and click on blogging. 

Daily P.E sessions with Joe Wicks can be found here at 9am : 

Daily Writing sessions with Jane Considine can be found here at 9:45am: 

Home Learning Resources - A list of useful websites

Monday 23rd March 2020 – Friday 27th March 2020

English – There are set activities for each day (Day 1 – day 5). Children are to work their way through the pack for the duration of the week.


Maths – Similar to the English tasks, there are set activities for each day (Day 1 – day 5). Children are to work their way through the pack for the duration of the week.


Reading – Speed Reads – choose one to complete daily or continue working on read theory website (I will attach sign up details again below in case you missed it)


Science – Complete a presentation of ‘How does your Garden Grow’ including the sub headings:

Day 1 – Parts of a plant

Day 2 – What do plants need to grow

Day 3 – Moving water

Day 4 – Fantastic flowers

Day 5 – Life cycle


This can be a PowerPoint presentation, information booklet, posters etc.


For each day, there is a PowerPoint to read before you complete your section of the presentation.


There are additional resources to accompany the science presentations if your child wishes to complete any of these. These are only if your child wishes to and are not set tasks.


Additional activities (Which would be beneficial to complete!)  Watch Supermovers x8 song

Complete x8 activities attached.


Please do not forget to practise activities daily which promote mindfulness, physical activities and relaxation.

These may include painting, drawing, colouring, going outdoors, going for a walk, gardening, baking, Lego, dancing etc.

Adults, do not forget about your own mindfulness too during this unpredictable time. Be kind to yourselves.

Please feel free to contact myself using the year 3 email, if you need any support or guidance.


Take care everyone,

Miss Lees J

School Closure - Friday 20th March 2020

Today’s tasks include…


Maths –  Watch column subtraction video (in expanded form) and complete subtraction questions.


Video link - Subtraction stage 4 (End of Year 3 expectation)


English –  Read the PowerPoint on how to write a set of instructions and what to include. Choose an activity to write a set of instructions for, e.g. planting a seed, making a sandwich etc. This can be any activity you like as long as you are including the main features of instruction writing. 


Reading – How to grow your own daffodils speed read 


Picture News – Coronavirus special. Read through the resource with your child, watch the video clips attached and discuss the importance of why we should not panic. Explain the importance of staying calm. Perhaps after this activity it would be useful to practise some different ways that relaxes us, e.g. meditation, mindfulness colouring etc.


Physical Activity -

The Body Coach will be doing daily PE lessons on his YouTube channel from Monday at 9am. 


School Closure Thursday 19th March 2020


Maths - Watch the video tutorial for using expanded column method 

Addition stage 4 (End of Year 3 expectation)  

Complete the 2 digit + 2 digit worksheet or the 3 digit + 3 digit worksheet.


English - Watch the Inverted Commas song via Anchor Creative Education video on Youtube.

Complete ‘Be the Teacher Inverted Commas’ task by reading the sentences and spotting the mistakes. Re-write the sentences correctly.


Reading -  Read the sign up information attached and create a log in for your child. It will ask your child to do a pre-test first before presenting suitable texts. 


Handwriting -  Practise cursive handwriting encouraging children to form letters correctly. 

Useful mathematic video tutorials for calculations. Take a look.


Addition stage 4 (End of Year 3 expectation)


Subtraction stage 4 (End of Year 3 expectation)


Multiplication stage 3 (End of Year 3 expectation)


Division stage 3 (End of Year 3 expectation)

Wednesday 18th March 2020


Writing task

Answer the questions about the picture


Maths Task

Picture Maths - Answer the problems 


Reading Task 

Speed read - 10 minutes to read and answer


Geography Task

Look at the renewable and non-renewable energy powerpoint. Choose one form of renewable energy to research further and create a fact file of this.   

Websites that you may find useful to use …


  • BBC Super Movers times table songs


  • Daily 10 Mental Maths Challenge


  • Topmarks spelling and grammar games online


  • Anchor Creative Education (Grammar Songs)

Numerous available for free to watch via YouTube


Hi everyone, 

We are currently waiting for access to our school blog which will make it easier to complete tasks. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience, reassure you to not worry and just do what you can with your child. Encourage your child to access times tables rock stars, read and share stories, write as often as possible e.g. keep a diary, writing stories, practise spellings, handwriting etc. All these things that do not need sheets to be downloaded and filled in but are just as valuable to your child's progress.

I hope this reassures everyone in this difficult time.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Lees and Mrs Pomfret.

Tuesday 17th March 2020

Hi everyone,

Here are todays activities your child can be completing during today’s school closure.

I understand that not everyone will be able to download / print the tasks off but the children can complete them on a sheet of paper or you can email the work to the class email, which is .  

Today’s tasks include;

Physical time – Body coach - 5 minute move the body coach TV or if you have access to an Alexa device just say ‘Alexa…open the body coach’ 


English – Sight and sound writing prompts – Children to choose one of the images to write a description of what they can see and hear. Children can use the higher-level vocabulary mat to support their writing.


Maths – White rose materials. Times Tables Rock Stars. Supermovers timetables songs.


Reading – Non-fiction pirates comprehension


Spelling – Year 3 / 4 spelling games online


Geography – Several websites to explore at your own pace


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Lees and Mrs Pomfret.



School Closure

Here is the timetable for your children to follow over the next two days whilst school is closed.




A Daily Maths Task will be sent out via School Ping 


Challenges on Times Table Rockstars


Snack Time


A writing activity will be sent out via School Ping


Physical time, e.g. Super Movers 


Mindful session 


Reading Task (Comprehension sent out via School ping)




Task linked to history/ geography / science / art  - which will be sent out via School Ping


Share stories with your child. 


I will keep in contact with you via School Ping. 


Loen's Dad visited Y3 to answer many interesting questions about Australia!

x3 TTRS partner game in maths

Year 3 Panto Aladdin...Oh no they didn't!

Emergency Service visit - Ambulance December 2019

Road Safety Visit December 2019

Children in Need 2019 PJ Day

Silhouette Artwork Y3

Invasion games in PE

Year 3 have had a fantastic day taking part in the Stone Age to Iron Age workshop. The children have learned about five periods of history by handling a wide variety of artefacts as well as learning a range of new skills including rope making, weaving and crop grinding using quem stone. The children also had the opportunity to wear one of the costumes provided. A big thank you to Carol who led our workshop as we all had such an amazing day. Here are some of the photographs taken through out the day. Take a look!

Take a look at what Phoebe found at the weekend!

Year 3 dance with Miss Miriam

Exploring and creating three digit numbers in maths

7.10.19 Football training with Wigan Warriors

Today we are celebrating National Poetry Day by reciting the poem 'Gran can you Rap?' Take a look!

Still image for this video

Today we are celebrating National Poetry Day by reciting the poem 'Gran can you Rap?' Take a look!

Still image for this video

Today we are celebrating National Poetry Day by reciting the poem 'Gran can you Rap?' Take a look!

Still image for this video

Today we are celebrating National Poetry Day by reciting the poem 'Gran can you Rap?' Take a look!

Still image for this video

Today we are celebrating National Poetry Day by reciting the poem 'Gran can you Rap?' Take a look!

Still image for this video

Year 3 are using thesaurus' to up level our vocabulary. The children loved using the Ipads and computers to access the online thesaurus.

Year 3 are rock detectives!

Year 3 worked in groups to investigate 5 different types of rocks. They had to use the rock fact files, magnifying glasses and other resources to work out the names each type of rock.


Dance with Miss Miriam 24.9.19

Still image for this video
Watch our warm up!

Y3 working hard to improve their punctuation in English.

Local History Week Y3 including Geography map skills, art and projects.

Take a look at how our dance is progressing!

Still image for this video

Y3 Dance with Miss Miriam

Y3 exploring maps of Atherton to locate points of interest

Times Tables Rock Star Launch!

A few examples of our Local History Projects

Our first week in Y3!

Still image for this video

Our first week in Y3!

Still image for this video

Y3 St Michael's Activity Passport
