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Year 6

We learnt all about the circulatory system and the different parts of the heart. We then learnt about the different components of our blood: plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. We found out what the different components do and how they help us. We then used the percentages to make our own blood. 

Local charity 'Everything human rights' helping us acknowledge international abolition of slavery day

Science- Creating classification keys

PHSE- Celebrating differences

Recent celebrations of learning in Y6

English Immersion- Al Sylvester Zoom call (Linked to Shackleton's Journey New Text)

P.E- Hockey skills lesson

R.E- Comparing Christian pilgrimages and a Muslim pilgrimage

Times tables Rock star day with times tables hunt

Science- Heart dissection

Year 6 D.T/History Learning- Anderson shelters

Year 6 2020-21

Welcome back to our new Year 6 children. We are so excited to see you all next week. Below is a timetable of our week and an outline of our learning plan. If you have any questions please email me at Children will need to come in P.E Kit on Thursdays ONLY, Swimming is TBC at the moment. Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday

Miss Stretch 

Year 6 Timetable

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Below is Y6's Covid closure work from when they were learning at home- March 2020- July 2020

Home Learning Week Beginning 22nd June

I am so glad to be welcoming some of you back to school this week! We will be working on similar objectives in school but maybe not in the same order. Children who are in school do not need to complete this additional learning at home. At home, you can still follow the Oak Academy learning with the additional White Rose Maths and additional comprehensions. The Oak Academy has all topic learning on too!







Home Learning Week beginning 15th June 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are all okay. Thank you for continually sending me home learning and letting me know what you are up to! I love receiving emails from you. We will be informing you about the arrangements for Y6 coming back to school by the end of this week.  Please see below for this week’s home learning tasks. 


As of this week, we will be moving to the Oak National Academy for online learning. ( This is a government approved website that includes face to face, interactive teaching videos and has sequenced the learning for children in English, Maths and topic areas. When on the website, children can click on their ‘schedule’ which shows them their lessons for that day. You will be able to find History, PHSE and other topics to complete aswell as Maths and English.


Please note: Each lesson has an introductory quiz to complete – click next – watch the video – click next – worksheet/ Independent task (work through the slides ) – click next – final quiz.


There are also opportunities for assemblies and worships where the children can hear from guest speakers. We will also provide additional comprehensions and White Rose Maths resources for additional challenge if you wish to use them.


Please remember, if you need anything at all, you can contact me on the class email I hope you all have a lovely week!

Maths-Week Beginning 8th June

This week's maths is from the White Rose website. There is an explanatory video for each lesson on and a corresponding worksheet for each day attached below. If you need any support with your child's learning, please contact us using the email address Keep up your hard work. 

We are also trialling the use of Oak Academy English Lessons. It is up to you which you access for this week. These lessons are good as they have a teacher video to accompany them. They do not link to the 5 English lessons above and are something different but they are suitable for Y6. This week children are writing a newspaper report. They are sequenced so children will need to complete them in the order below.






Welcome Back!

Week Beginning 1st June

Hi everyone. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break. As these uncertain times continue, we will carry on providing home learning activities on the website for those children who are not in school. Hopefully, one day soon, we will see all the children in school but in the meantime we are thankful and appreciate all the efforts of parents and carers to educate their children at home. We fully understand that working with your children while, in many cases, trying to work yourselves is difficult. We are always here to help and can be contacted through the class email address or by phone. So. keep up your efforts! We are really proud of the children and have really enjoyed seeing their work and hearing your comments about their achievements.  


The maths learning this week is from the White Rose website. The accompanying worksheets are below with the answers. 

Week Beginning 18th May


Please follow the link for the tutorial videos this week. The corresponding worksheets are listed below and there is a challenge attached for Friday should children need them. Please send any work or queries to and I will respond as soon as I can. Keep up the hard work everyone. You're doing so well and we are missing you greatly!

Afternoon Learning-Week Beginning 18th May

The afternoon learning this week will be a project that children can work through gradually. They are tasked with designing a theme park, including the organisation of money and spacing attractions and other features out. They do not need to complete all of it: the idea is that children can be creative and be introduced to planning and organising money in a fun way that they can be in charge of.  Hope you all enjoy!

Maths Home Learning

The maths learning will again be from the White Rose website. Please use the link - There are explanatory videos on this link that children can use to help them. The accompanying worksheets are below alongside the answers. Please use the to get in touch if you need any help or advice. 

Afternoon Home Learning

Week Beginning 4th May

As Friday is the 75th anniversary of VE Day and a bank holiday, we are not setting work for the children. Their afternoon project focuses on VE day and there are a range of tasks to develop children's understanding of this important event.   


Please follow the link below to find the maths work for this week. There is an instructional video that children can watch to help them and there is a separate link for answers. I have also attached some further challenges that focus on fractions.  Please get in touch via the email address should you need anything.


The worksheets for the each day are below:

Week beginning Monday 27th April


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Here is the learning for this week for Maths, English and Afternoon topic learning. We have also published a timetable at the top of the class page that you may choose to follow in order to structure the children's learning for day. Please remember I am available to contact throughout the day at for questions and sharing of learning. 


Maths This week's maths focuses on finding angles within quadrilaterals and then moves on to problem solving.  If children are confident with the learning from the website then feel free to move them on to the further challenges that are included below. 

Welcome back and we hope you all enjoyed your Easter break. We're glad that you had such lovely weather. Well done to everyone for their efforts before the break and please keep up your efforts. Remember some of the daily activities that children can do include:

  • Joe Wicks fitness workout
  • Times Table rockstars
  • Reading (something they are interested in)

As well as this, children have packs of work that they may wish to work through as well. 


Monday 20th April

Please use the following link to find the maths tasks for this week.

I will post an additional document later in the week that can act as a supplementary task to those that have been set. 

Closure Activities

*Update* As the school will now remain closed for the foreseeable future please email the year6 email with any completed work or queries- 

Children can also write on the school blog under children-blogging.

I understand it could be challenging for some children to complete some activities at home due to technology however please do what you can as it is crucial we maintain normality as much as possible. Please continue to follow the outlined timetable below:


During the closure we still must ensure that the children are maintaining the standard of their learning. Please complete as much as possible every day:


Daily reading for at least 20 minutes (Perhaps download an audio book to listen to as well)

Daily comprehension and answer all the questions attached

Daily Maths 

Daily Writing (we will plan a piece of writing before completing the final weekly piece)

Timestable Rockstars (15 minutes daily)

Spellings (KS2 word list)  

Afternoon learning- topic work, arts and crafts, outdoor activities


Please all sign up to a READTHEORY account to aid your reading comprehension. The information on how to do this is below.

Please see the 'Helpful Websites' document for additional revision opportunities


Daily P.E sessions with Joe Wicks can be found here at 9am : 

Daily Writing sessions with Jane Considine can be found here at 9:45am: 



Week Beginning 30th March

Hi Year 6! I hope you are all okay. Well done to everyone for their hard work recently! I've been so amazed by the work I have been receiving through the class email and the school blog. Keep up with that because I love seeing what you are up to. You should all receive a pack of work by the end of this week to complete at home. Keep using the helpful websites document for things you can do by yourself. Keep in touch. Miss S x



Last week, children completed some home learning from the White Rose Maths Hub website. This week the sessions focus on scale factor. We have covered ratio just before the school closure and last week so this will be good for children to have a go at. The link is:

There is an instructional video and then a worksheet that focuses on the video. 


Good Luck!

Maths This Week

This week in maths I am asking that children complete the activities on the website above. For each day, there is an introductory video and then a worksheet that accompanies the video (and answers). Children can work through this a day at a time.


I will also attach an end of week quiz/task that has different questions all focusing on the topic being taught. 


Please continue to send emails to the class address with completed work and/or questions.  

Monday Afternoon Activity- Can you design a rainbow?Draw, paints, collage, computer? However you wish to do so and put it up in your front window. I have noticed lots of children in the area doing so and I think it is a lovely way of showing unity and coming together. Remember to post pictures on the blog! 


The Puzzles and Problems book is a document full of different puzzles and problems. From time to time I will set children tasks from the booklet. I would like children to have a go at Pages 2 (square it up) and 3 (Joins). Unfortunately the answers are not at the end of the document but please send responses to the class email. Please also sign up to 'Read Theory' (information below) if you haven't already. 

Today's maths activity is code breaking using the 4 operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The following link provides videos of the different strategies used should children require assistance.

Read Theory Information

Tuesday 17th March

Monday 16th March

Here is an arithmetic paper for children to look at today. The answers are at the end of the document.

Helpful Websites

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly

'StarBooks' Coffee Reading Morning

Year 6 Weekly Cricket session

Science- Observing bacteria and microbes!


WALT: Develop a chronological understanding of WW2

Our Year 6 Activity Passport

Year 6 Heart Dissection- Functions and parts of the heart

Alan Davies local Historian Mining Talk as part of our Local History Week

Year 6 Science- The Circulatory System
