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Sex and Relationship Education

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school office directly and the office staff will pass your enquiry on to the relevant Curriculum Leader.

PSHE Curriculum Leader: Miss N. Lees

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school office directly and the office staff will pass your enquiry on to the relevant Curriculum Leader.

Individual Year Groups RSHE Overviews - See individual Year group maps to view which specific RSHE learning intentions are being taught in each lesson.

RSHE - A guide for parents and carers leaflet


Jigsaw PSHE is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships & Health Education Guidance. This document maps the guidance to Jigsaw by Year Group and Puzzle (unit of work) showing the depth and breadth of the curriculum coverage.


Following full consultation involving staff, governors, and parents/carers and outside agencies the policy is that aspects of relationships, i.e. family, friends, the community, respect for oneself and others, are covered within the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum. 


Sex Education is addressed as part of the PSHE programme for pupils in Year 5 & Year 6.  Children in these year groups are involved in a series of lessons led HH. Kids and supported by school staff.  Parents are given the opportunity to view any materials to be used prior to these lessons and have the right to withdraw their child from them if they so wish.

Healthy relationship session

Wigan Borough Domestic Abuse Service

Tuesday 28th September 2021


All classes participated within a Healthy Relationships Workshop delivered by Wigan Domestic Abuse Service at an age appropriate level. The school received wonderful feedback from the trainer praising the children for their contributions and responses throughout the session. Well done St Michael's!      


St Michael’s CE Primary School

RSE Parent Consultation



Parent Feedback

“Clear, relevant, professional, no nonsense but also reassuring.”

“Explanation and delivery was fantastic and so much information given.”

“The lady speaking was fantastic and explained everything so well.”

“Good to know what is taught in each year group. Very informative. I feel comfortable talking about these issues with my children.”

“I think the new scheme is really good, up to date and relevant to our children. Modern and changing times should reflect what our children are taught.”

“Very informative and I’m all for mindfulness sessions, I think its brilliant for a child’s mental health and gives them time to relax and prepare for their next lesson.”

“Good to know that the information will be appropriate for the age of the child.”

“The programme was well delivered and helped put into perspective what our children need to be taught.”

“I feel that after coming along to the meeting, my mind has definitely been changed, being explained properly and understanding what/how our children are being taught has really helped me to be open to the programme.”

“Opened my mind about social media etc. and how it affects young people. Love the mindfulness. Calms minds down."

“I think the Jigsaw programme is really important and positive for the future of our children.”

“The use of real life examples to reinforce the importance of RSE.”


