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I wonder..... Do you want to be friends? Entry to Reception 2022-23

I wonder.....Can I switch it on?

I wonder.......Why do squirrels hide their nuts?

I wonder.....Do you want to be friends?

We love to read at St Michael's

Where are you going to?

Term 3a Can we explore it?

Term 2 Easter Fun

Term 2 Learning

Term 1b- Christmas Polar Express

Father Christmas Came To Visit

Exploring the Christian Celebration of Christmas

Exploring Other Faiths- Celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali

Comparing Habitats

Term 1b Learning Enquiry, 'Why do squirrels hide their nuts?'

Segmenting and blending

Personal history- What could you do as a baby and what can you do now?

Exploring different ways our bodies can move.

Subitising in Maths

Term 1a Learning Enquiry, 'Do you want to be friends?'
